Thursday, August 02, 2007
Early start - 8.00am at the bus stop for our trip over to Coronet Peak. Met an Irish girl who was going to be in the beginners group with Jordana to keep her company. I didn't feel so mean leaving her to go off for the day skiing up and down like a loony. Once we got there, it was a quick trip to the loo before being kitted out with all our gear. Very attractive! JJ looked like a pro with her goggles on top of her Good Shepherd wooly hat. Lou.
JJ here.. The beginners then had to meet together to be split into groups to go off to the idiot hills where we would apparently learn how to ski - I was a little nervous at this point I have to add!! Once we got on the snow with the ski on it was great (maybe that had something to do with the fact that I only had one ski on and could stop myself with my left foot!!) I thought I was a pro - then they told me to put the other ski on - didn't like that as much! We learnt how to side step up the mountain (or little slope as Lou put it!) Then came the serious skiing which is more difficult than it looks on telly. I learnt how to ski down and stop but kept veering to one side of the mountain. We also had to use a drag lift which is very difficult to get the hang of as I fell over twice trying to get hold of it.. Never mind 3rd time lucky. The best bit of the day was then to come......Lunch!!!!
Lou back... We hooked up after our lessons eventually Jordana had eaten so I had some lunch then went out to watch her on the slopes and took some fab videos and photos in action. JJ tried to take a pic of me skiing down but I went past her a bit too quickly and she ended up taking a lovely shot of the snow... and another of her right ski!! Finally we took in the view and hopped on the bus home. A great day all in all and another first for JJ.
Cathy here now - my day was less high octane. A trip to the Kiwi bird park, nice Maori concert (can YOU do the hokey cokey in Maori??) then a double decker bus tour in the afternoon. I had the bus to myself, but enjoyed a quick trip to the Winery/cheesery and some shopping in Arrowtown. We went out for dinner at a nice Chinese restaurant last night, and are all geared up for another activity - tandem hang gliding (in about...25 mins.)
Have hopefully fixed the photo album so you can all view it. Do comment and let me know if you can't see it.
Try again for NZ Pics.
JJ here.. The beginners then had to meet together to be split into groups to go off to the idiot hills where we would apparently learn how to ski - I was a little nervous at this point I have to add!! Once we got on the snow with the ski on it was great (maybe that had something to do with the fact that I only had one ski on and could stop myself with my left foot!!) I thought I was a pro - then they told me to put the other ski on - didn't like that as much! We learnt how to side step up the mountain (or little slope as Lou put it!) Then came the serious skiing which is more difficult than it looks on telly. I learnt how to ski down and stop but kept veering to one side of the mountain. We also had to use a drag lift which is very difficult to get the hang of as I fell over twice trying to get hold of it.. Never mind 3rd time lucky. The best bit of the day was then to come......Lunch!!!!
Lou back... We hooked up after our lessons eventually Jordana had eaten so I had some lunch then went out to watch her on the slopes and took some fab videos and photos in action. JJ tried to take a pic of me skiing down but I went past her a bit too quickly and she ended up taking a lovely shot of the snow... and another of her right ski!! Finally we took in the view and hopped on the bus home. A great day all in all and another first for JJ.
Cathy here now - my day was less high octane. A trip to the Kiwi bird park, nice Maori concert (can YOU do the hokey cokey in Maori??) then a double decker bus tour in the afternoon. I had the bus to myself, but enjoyed a quick trip to the Winery/cheesery and some shopping in Arrowtown. We went out for dinner at a nice Chinese restaurant last night, and are all geared up for another activity - tandem hang gliding (in about...25 mins.)
Have hopefully fixed the photo album so you can all view it. Do comment and let me know if you can't see it.
Try again for NZ Pics.