Friday, July 30, 2004
A Town Like Alice?...a bit like Coventry Actually...
Well we are in Alice Springs for the day after our trip to Uluru(Ayres Rock). We're here for the day - arrived 10.30am, leaving 4pm. I always loved that book and film of A Town Like Alice, but we decided it really is a bit like Coventry here - the middle of the country but a bit of a dump! Internet cafe seems a way of killing some time anyway.
Ayres Rock was a real change after the big cities of Sydney and Hong Kong. First day we had more grey gloomy skies, and the rock was not that impressive looking, colour-wise. We were in YHA accomodation, a 4 bed room with the toilet block a short walk away. After hoping we'd have the room to ourselves, we rolled in from the bar at 10.30ish to find 2 people snoozing in the top bunks...drat! Plus we both had to get up and get dressed to go to the loo in the night. Louise was snoring quickly, but I was too busy shivering! Absolutely freezing!
Anyway, yesterday we went out to the rock for a guided tour from a ranger. Free so must be good? Nope, this guy was boring as anything! 30 seconds on the geology and formation of the rock, 30 min on bush tucker! The day started with antarctic wind blowing, but by 11am, we were stripping off and trying to get a tan. Beautiful blue skies contrasted amazingly with the bright red rock.
MUCH more entertaining was the sunset camel ride! Me and Louise were on Bendigo, an 11 year old. The guide was excellent, we had a fabulous sunset and they even gave us nibbles and drinks. On the menu was camel! Louise dived in straight away, (always willing to try anything once!) but it took me a while to bring myself to try it. Surprisingly tasty actually - like smoked ham.
Thankfully, we had the room to ourselves last night and out snored each other all night!
Ayres Rock really is an amazing place - very much a natural wonder. Not just the rock itself, but the whole area which is just so open and empty. It would even be quiet but for the noise of each single car carrying for miles! Very glad we came.
Well, what can I say? Nipping to the loo in the middle of the night after a few too many beers wasn't quite so easy. There was lots of giggling while we tried to be quiet putting on our 10 layers to brave the extremely cold night air.
Ayers Rock was just amazing - beautiful by sunset - we never did manage to get up for sunrise though.
Dad - was going to go on a sunset tour of the rock on a Harley, but Cath didn't fancy it so we opted for the camel ride - well worth it, especially the snack at the end - eating the camel you've just ridden on is a little different but very tasty!
Alice Springs? Five hours is too long!
Ayres Rock was a real change after the big cities of Sydney and Hong Kong. First day we had more grey gloomy skies, and the rock was not that impressive looking, colour-wise. We were in YHA accomodation, a 4 bed room with the toilet block a short walk away. After hoping we'd have the room to ourselves, we rolled in from the bar at 10.30ish to find 2 people snoozing in the top bunks...drat! Plus we both had to get up and get dressed to go to the loo in the night. Louise was snoring quickly, but I was too busy shivering! Absolutely freezing!
Anyway, yesterday we went out to the rock for a guided tour from a ranger. Free so must be good? Nope, this guy was boring as anything! 30 seconds on the geology and formation of the rock, 30 min on bush tucker! The day started with antarctic wind blowing, but by 11am, we were stripping off and trying to get a tan. Beautiful blue skies contrasted amazingly with the bright red rock.
MUCH more entertaining was the sunset camel ride! Me and Louise were on Bendigo, an 11 year old. The guide was excellent, we had a fabulous sunset and they even gave us nibbles and drinks. On the menu was camel! Louise dived in straight away, (always willing to try anything once!) but it took me a while to bring myself to try it. Surprisingly tasty actually - like smoked ham.
Thankfully, we had the room to ourselves last night and out snored each other all night!
Ayres Rock really is an amazing place - very much a natural wonder. Not just the rock itself, but the whole area which is just so open and empty. It would even be quiet but for the noise of each single car carrying for miles! Very glad we came.
Well, what can I say? Nipping to the loo in the middle of the night after a few too many beers wasn't quite so easy. There was lots of giggling while we tried to be quiet putting on our 10 layers to brave the extremely cold night air.
Ayers Rock was just amazing - beautiful by sunset - we never did manage to get up for sunrise though.
Dad - was going to go on a sunset tour of the rock on a Harley, but Cath didn't fancy it so we opted for the camel ride - well worth it, especially the snack at the end - eating the camel you've just ridden on is a little different but very tasty!
Alice Springs? Five hours is too long!