Saturday, February 07, 2004
To Plan or Not to Plan, that is the Question...
With almost 6 month to go before the trip, it sometimes seems rather to daft to be worrying about details like airport shuttles or booking things, but I am trying to decide how much planning to do for this trip, or whether it is better to wait til we get there. Not for the big stuff - obviously. We obviously need to book flights, but especially for the New Zealand portion of the trip, I'm not sure whether we would be better off waiting til we get there to decide things like exactly WHEN to get a hire car, and for how long we would want it. Also there are 100s of car hire places on the net, and you really have no idea which is the best by reading a web site. Maybe its better to wait til we get there are get recommendations?
Tried to book up what sounded like a good choice - a self contained 2 bedroom flat at the Queenstown YHA this week. Did the exchange of email and discussed the best way to get credit card deatils to them etc. Got that sorted, sent the details and then got an "oh sorry, its booked for those dates. Want a dorm room?" email. I was quite annoyed needless to say, so started another accomodation hunt.
Signed up to the Lonely Planet message board this week and posted a concern of mine: if we stay in hostels, will we look idiotic walking in wheeling our suitcases. Will the backpacker set sneer at us?? People were very reassuring there, so that is something.
By the way, latest plan for an adventure activity is tandem skydiving! We could do it on the way from Rotorua to Wellington for only about £75 each. Come on Louise, you know you want to..
Tried to book up what sounded like a good choice - a self contained 2 bedroom flat at the Queenstown YHA this week. Did the exchange of email and discussed the best way to get credit card deatils to them etc. Got that sorted, sent the details and then got an "oh sorry, its booked for those dates. Want a dorm room?" email. I was quite annoyed needless to say, so started another accomodation hunt.
Signed up to the Lonely Planet message board this week and posted a concern of mine: if we stay in hostels, will we look idiotic walking in wheeling our suitcases. Will the backpacker set sneer at us?? People were very reassuring there, so that is something.
By the way, latest plan for an adventure activity is tandem skydiving! We could do it on the way from Rotorua to Wellington for only about £75 each. Come on Louise, you know you want to..